Captan sorprendente salto de un tiburón blanco

Ciudad de México.- Para captar una fotografía o un video es necesario estar en el momento justo y tener las herramientas para transmitir una parte de lo que vemos día a día. En este caso, el sudafricano Chris Fallows, con 30 años de experiencia ha registrado un momento único del tiburón blanco.

En un viaje a Seal Island, en la isla en False Bay, Sudáfrica, como parte del programa Shark Week, de Discovery Channel, logró captar el gran saltó de un tiburón blanco con unos 4.5 metros de altura sobre el nivel del mar.

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As seen on Shark Week 2020 This is possibly the most beautiful image I have ever taken of a breaching Great white shark, photographed during Air Jaws: Ultimate Breach Off, “The Pearl”. “Pearls don’t lie on the seashore. If you want one, you must dive for it.” — Chinese proverb. The sound of the wolves coming shouldn’t frighten you into hiding, after all two of the three pigs didn’t do so well. Rather when you hear them coming you need to run faster, feel the wind in your face and climb even higher. Embrace the fact that they still find you worth chasing. Such is how I approach taking images of breaching Great white sharks. Since I first pulled a decoy way back in 1996 and was able to get what at the time were the world’s first images of great whites leaping out of the water, I have needed to conceptualize new ways to stay ahead of the pack. To this end I have designed boats to allow me to shoot low angles, I have been towed behind our boat on a sled to get closer and I have constantly and diligently applied intense focus to using whatever palate nature gives me each day by way of clouds, waves and vistas to create a canvas that is worthy of having such a compelling subject jump into it. I think above all I have learnt what the sharks are comfortable with, and where their thresholds lie in terms of what I respectfully can and can’t do. “The Pearl” is an image that symbolizes a career of pushing boundaries, trying new things and never being afraid of taking high risks. It also is a reflection of a life working with predators, getting to know them, understanding what their comfort levels are, and what the thresholds are within those comfort levels. I truly feel that with this image I am taking my audience into the ocean with the shark at eye level, and showcasing the athleticism of the incredible Great White Shark in all its predatory glory. This Limited editions Fine Art Print is available from my website: Link in Bio #sharkweek #sharkweek2020 #airjaws #summer2020 #greatwhiteshark #shark #sharks #underwaterphotography #uwphotography #underwaterIG #wildlifeplanet #underwater #discoverocean #oceans #marinelife #ourplanetdaily #oceanlover #ilovesharks

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Para lograrlo, el equipo acudió al lugar para grabar el metraje del programa Air Jaws: Ultimate Breach, en éste, los expertos en tiburones blancos compiten para tomar las mejores fotografías mientras saltan desde la superficie del agua.

Es habitual que este animal salte hasta tres metros y no 4.5 metros como el que logró captar Chris Fallows. En el video se puede ver cómo el tiburón se lanza para morder el cebo.

La fotografía de este impresionante momento fue premiada como la mejor del Air Jaws 2020.


